beignets in bourboned butterscotch

I would like to thank Louisiana and Kentucky for the French donut and the distinctly American spirit, respectively.  Without you, this dish of pillowy fried squares of sweet sorcery would have never been possible.

Beignets: You can make them from scratch, but Cafe Du Monde conveniently produces a boxed mix.  I got to visit the original Café Du Monde location in New Orleans this past summer. Though it was the afternoon and felt like 100-degrees outside, I still thoroughly enjoyed a plate of fresh french donuts and a Café Au Lait and chickory under the giant porch fans.  The ground at the outdoor café was practically covered in white powdered sugar, just like the donuts! This weekend our ground was covered in white, powdery snow – the perfect time to whip up some piping hot beignets.

I did a little more than beignets by deconstructing a dessert that I read online from Annisa Restaurant called Pecan and Salted Butterscotch Beignets with Bourbon Milk Ice (be still, my heart).  I looked up Chef Anita Lo’s new cookbook, Cooking Without Borders, and sure enough, the recipe was detailed inside!  I found out that she mixes pecans in the dough and then fills the fried donuts with butterscotch.  Homemade bourbon milk ice is served alongside the dish.

First, I made the bourboned butterscotch sauce so it could cool and thicken.  Then, I made the plain ol’ beignets and sprinkled them with powdered sugar.  I stacked them up, drizzled them with sauce and topped them off with whipped cream and pecans.  It was a butter pecan donut sundae cup!

My Bourboned Butterscotch Sauce Adapted from Anita Lo

1 C light brown sugar

3 T butter

1/2 T salt

1/2 C light corn syrup

2 T bourbon

1/3 C heavy cream

Plop together brown sugar, butter, salt, corn syrup and bourbon in a sauce pan and bring to a boil.  Once boiling, mix ingredients together and lower the heat to med-high.  W/o stirring, let cook.  Once sauce is syrupy, remove from the heat and stir in cream until consistent.  Let cool.  Put some in a squeeze bottle for topping, and/or put in a small cup for dipping!

181 responses to “beignets in bourboned butterscotch”

  1. Never heard of beignets before. Now all I want are beignets like never before. Such temptation- there goes the diet! :o)

    1. I was just thinking the exact same thing!

    2. pleased to introduce you to them!

    3. If your in California, they sell really good ones at Disneyland/ Downtown Disney at the Jazz Kitchen Cafe Express

      1. thank you for the tip! I would love to visit CA one day.

  2. NOT FAIR! It’s a snow day here in northern Nevada (our first … oddly enough), and I’m STARVING!

    These look warm and amazing and rich and awesome. I’m very, very mad at you.


  3. Hi 🙂 Very nice blog and great photos! Congrats on being freshly pressed. These look amazing!

  4. Did you hear my jaw hit the floor when I saw this picture? It looks sooo good!!!

  5. I recently had a beignets for the first time! Good to know there is a boxed mix for us baking impaired, I mean, novice. This sauce looks incredible, can’t wait to try it.

    1. yes! I recently saw the mix on the shelf at our local “Fresh Market” store, but also very easy to order online from Cafe Du Monde’s website!

  6. Delicious. Must try this recipe.

  7. Holy moly that looks delicious

  8. Oh my goodness…fabulous!

  9. OMG, that loooks amaazzzzing. I can’t wait to give it a try. Thanks for sharing!

  10. that looks so…..delicious. yummm 🙂

  11. OMG, love beignets already, but then bourbon and butterscotch?! I don’t know what to do with myself! I reposted on too with the link coming back to you!

    1. thank you! glad you agree on the amazingness of the combo 🙂

  12. You had me at Bourboned Butterscotch.

    1. yes, also delish drizzled over cinnamon rolls or anything, anywhere

  13. These look incredible!!!

  14. Gorgeous photography!

  15. Reblogged this on Urban Mermaid Venice and commented:
    This recipe has more to do with mental health than physical health, but after spending 2 hours on the 405 this morning, I DESERVE it!

    1. thank you! it did wonders for my mental health this weekend 🙂

  16. 50 States Design Project Avatar
    50 States Design Project

    kill me now. this looks divine.

    1. stay alive so you can eat beignets!

  17. These look seriously delicious. Beignets are my absolute favorite!

  18. hermosausaadmin Avatar

    OMGoodness…you had me at beignets but the addition of the bourboned butterscotch sent my inner foodie into overdrive! Thanks for sharing the recipe…cannot wait to try it! Congrats on being FP!

    1. you’re welcome, and thank you!

  19. As someone whose family is from Nawlinz and can say they have had their share of beignets, those look delicious!

    1. what a compliment! loved the people (and FOOD) of Nawlinz when I visited.

  20. WoW!! These look amazing! would love to try to make my own sometime! Congrats on being freshly pressed 🙂

  21. I feel heavier already!

  22. These look amazing – and your photographs are beautiful! Can’t wait to follow more of your recipes.

    1. hope you find more yummy recipes here 🙂

  23. Jennifer Barricklow Avatar
    Jennifer Barricklow

    I think I would eat almost anything covered with bourboned butterscotch — the beignets put this WAY over the top! Thank you for sharing such sinfully delicious culinary creativity. (I’m not sure it ought to be legal to market beignet box mix.) It’s a good thing Lent is coming soon, because I have a feeling I’m going to need to give this up so it doesn’t do me in.

    Congratulations on being Freshly Pressed!

    1. I think I would eat anything covered in that sauce, too 🙂

  24. I need to try a beignet, these look so good…

    1. yes – do yourself a favor and try a beignet!

  25. OMG those look amazing!! Thank you for sharing the recipe!

  26. Sharon McCameron Whyte, MFA Avatar
    Sharon McCameron Whyte, MFA

    OMG…these sound orgasmic! All my favorite things in one dish…be still my heart, indeed! Thanks for the recipes. Defintely not on my diet…but great for a special occasion.

  27. Wow, these look incredibly delicious! I want some!

  28. Woah, those look AMAZING. I ripped an article out of a magazine once for beignets and have yet to make them. But you’ve inspired me. Thanks!

    1. yum – it’s worth it!

  29. One of my favourite foods…Yummy 🙂

  30. […] it to Cafe du Monde anytime soon check out this post by cozywalls and make your own mouth-watering beignets in bourboned butterscotch. Share this:TwitterFacebookLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. Tagged beignets, Border […]

  31. INCREDIBLE!!! Great post…delicious recipe, great pics, direct and to the point = freshly pressed. Congrats!

  32. This recipe looks amazing. Congrats on being fresh pressed! Any chance you have a recipe for the beignets themselves?

    1. there is one on the cookbook that I mentioned in the post, and this tutorial from Southern Living looks nice:

  33. That.Is.Awesome! Incredibly mouth watering!

  34. Wow this looks amazing wonder how long it takes to stand and cook. Congratulations making Freshly pressed!

  35. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. I’m speechless. Thanks for sharing. Connie

  36. Beautiful photo’s. I really want to try these. I think that Cafe was highlighted on television at some point, right?

  37. Oh, my. Excuse me, I have to go wipe up the drool from the floor now…..;-)

  38. My, right up my alley. They look incredible and I love the the bourbon sauce. Yum. I have to make these.


  39. Holy G-d you took one of my favorite things on earth–the beignet–and made it into heaven on earth! I have to make beignets at Afroculinaria but I don’t think I’m going to top this recipe! Absolutely fantastic! Thank you for sharing this 🙂

  40. And be sure to thank the African American cooks of Louisiana since they brought deep fat frying and were the ones who made the sugarcane! Cafe Du Monde just put it all in a box 🙂

    1. yes, yes! THANK YOU to those amazing cooks and farmers!

  41. Ooh, that looks deadly delicious!

  42. Omg, thank you, it sounds so yummy. What temp was the sauce when you removed from the stove??

    1. I didn’t have a thermometer handy, but the stovetop dial was set in the middle.

  43. Another Beignet recipe!!! I made pumpkin ones last December and now I have another yummy sounding one to try out!! 🙂 Can’t wait now!!

  44. You made hard look easy. Looks like a “must try” I wonder if they are as good as they look?

    1. thanks for the compliment. I think they taste better than they look – especially when they are fresh!

  45. wow these look so magically delicious! I MUST try them!

  46. Reblogged this on nantucketbohopearlcdm and commented:
    beignet love

  47. Reblogged this on What's For Dinner? and commented:
    Well, this isn’t dinner, but it looked so good I had to repost so I can fins it to make these soon…maybe next weekend as part of Sunday breakfast!

    1. perfect for Sunday breakfast!

  48. Oh My…I didn’t need to see this. As a true sugar addict, this would definitely set me on a bender. I couldn’t eat just one !

  49. Whoa! These look ahhhhhmazing! And makes me dreamy for an afternoon sitting at Café Du Monde with powdered sugar feet… thanks for the snow day inspiration.

    1. powdered sugar feet 🙂

  50. Reblogged this on Hoof Beats and Foot Prints and commented:
    Well, I’m cheating today. I can’t help it. I’m a true sugar addict and this recipe will surely put me on a bender. But oh wow…!

  51. I had beignets when I was in New Orleans — they were delicious, and the coffee at CDM was incredible. I tend not to pay attention to coffee as long as it’s hot and brown, but this stuff was amazing, even the decaf.

    Wish I had the slightest ability to deep-fry anything. I’d make those things if I did.

  52. Mmmmm! I come from New Orleans so I just love beignets, especially Cafe Du Monde. I will definetly try this recipe!

  53. Seriously, I’m drooling! I love beignets.

  54. Beautiful and delicious photos 🙂 Stop by and take a look!!

  55. I love beignets…and New Orleans!

  56. I’ve never had the pleasure of a beignet, but these look delicious!

  57. I was nervous about looking at this blog from the title, and it turns out I should have been. Today is week 8 of my diet, and your delicious description and easy to follow directions practically have me drooling at the thought of making these scrumptious beignets. Thanks so much for sharing, and the day that my diet ends will mark the day that I make these. I can’t wait!

    1. will be a great celebration treat for you!

  58. Reblogged this on whenidrink and commented:
    this looks divine!

  59. Who does not love a good beignet?

    1. I do not know.

  60. As a born-and-raised Californian, I’ve never had the pleasure of experiening a beignet. ;( Thank you for the tip on the boxed mix, since I’m not very knowledgeable about baking…yet I am oh-so-eager to learn! I have a feeling that your blog will help me achieve this goal! 😉 I’m in my early thirties, so I’ve got to start sometime, right? 😉
    Congrats on being Freshly Pressed!

    1. yes, yes, yes! start baking at any age, I say. I hope you find inspiration here 🙂

  61. These look SO good….why did I have to see them on a Monday when my week is all about lean meats and veges??? I’ll tuck this away for an awesome Sunday morning sometime. Thanks…beautiful post!

    1. yes, Sunday mornings would be a perfect match 🙂

  62. You had me at beignets – next to crawfish etouffee, one of my favorite treats when I get to New Orleans. Last time I was there for beignets and chickory was in the middle of the night – perfect time for pig-outs and people watching. I’m not much of a cook but with a recipe like yours, I’m willing to try!

    1. it was my first time in NOLA, and I loved the food there. sounds fun to visit the cafe in the middle of the night!

  63. Why would we ever eat fast food when stuff like this is available – going on the fridge!

  64. Holy mother of all good food! I LOVE this blog already and I’ve only read the post title. Two of my guilty pleasures: bourbon and beignets. (Should I be polite and say, you had me at beignet!)

  65. The bourboned butterscotch sauce sounds scrumptious, but why didn’t you include a recipe for beignets (not a mix)?

    1. there is a nice recipe in the cookbook I mentioned in the post, and a tutorial here:

  66. wow, that looks so delicious. Good job!

  67. looks delicious, i never heard of beignets before.


    1. happy to be the one to introduce them to you!

  68. I miss Cafe Du Monde! Your beignets look fab. Thanks for a quick trip down memory lane.

  69. Reblogged this on Shereese's Blog and commented:
    Must just be the day for this.

  70. I’ve always been a fan of beignets, and recently became pleased to know that they’ve been available in Japan for quite some time now: . I dig your recipe, cozywalls.

    1. thanks for the info. – glad Japan feels the beignet love!

  71. Sounds quite good. I know that for some time now, beignets and Cafe du Monde products have been available in Japan too: .

  72. Daisy Epoch Retro Fashion Avatar
    Daisy Epoch Retro Fashion

    Daisy never met a beignet she didn’t like. : )

  73. Reblogged this on davidpressmanevents and commented:
    This sounds and reads like one amazing treat. If only I could cook, bake or whatever it would take to make these.

  74. Ahhh…. I knew I shouldn’t have clicked on this blog! But how could I not when those delicious- looking treats were tempting me to come and take just one look. Man, did I pick the wrong day to give up sweets! Well…maybe next week. 🙂

  75. These look a-mazing. Must try this recipe!

  76. Definitely an enjoyable thing! I have great memories eating at Cafe du Monde in New Orleans. Thanks for the great post and recipe.


  77. Areeeeee youuuuuuu kidddddddddinggggg meeeeee?

    This LOOKS amazing and I don’t doubt that it tastes exactly as how it looks.

  78. mmmm…I just gained weight looking at these. Thank you for sharing a slice of culinary heaven.

  79. I don’t know what a beignet is but anything covered in bourbon butterscotch sauce just has to be delicious. Love the photos and congratulations on being Freshly Pressed.

  80. They look amazing, only just woken up and already I’m hungry! Yummee 🙂

  81. Mais chere’ this sounds great! Being a long time refugee from the “Big Easy” (you can take the cajun out of N.O., but you can’t take her out of the cajun) you made me home sick! Beignets (pronounouced ben-yays) are a delicacy that can only be enjoyed in the setting described in this post. Now, you make them sinful! Thanks for the taste of home (sniff, sniff). J.

    1. honored that you approve, and you are welcome for the taste of home! my time in the kitchen helps me “travel” 🙂

  82. drool! slurp it!


  84. Ohmygosh, what pretty little things they are! Looks absolutely yummy. Great photography too!

  85. Beignets…Um…I’m thinking of heading all the way to Cafe Du Monde after seeing this! YUMMY! Who’s ready for Mardi Gras? Great post!

  86. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO trying these, they look yummy.
    Thank you,

  87. These beignets look absolutely delicious

  88. Holy. Crap. I love you. In a completely harmless, yet somewhat uncomfortable way. Blame the powdered sugar.

  89. This looks divine! ❤

  90. How divine do they look! I have fond memories of eating beignets in New Orleans in 1994. You have inspired me to make them myself. Thank you.

  91. Oh my goodness…I might be slobbering all over my keyboard right now. Hardly professional behavior.

  92. These look amazing! Yum

  93. Had some this weekend that weren’t great. Huey’s used to be the only place in Atlanta that served the real deal beignets. Since it left, no luck. Just emailed this to my boyfriend so that we can try the recipe. Yum.

  94. Reblogged this on sarahmyersart and commented:
    nom nom

  95. That looks absolutely fantastic. You’re making my New Year’s Resolution a lot harder.

  96. LOVE Cafe du Monde. what a great place to relive!

  97. Those look amazing, I also went to Cafe Dumont when we went on a field trip to New Orleans in High School! My grandmother has the boxed mix on hand though and we have been enjoying them since childhood. Thanks for a great flashback!

  98. Wow just the name of this dessert makes me yearn to be in New Orleans!! Gotta love a bit of bourbon in the afternoons !! gorgeous recipe and stunngin picture!! KUDOS x

  99. I have always wanted to make beignets I have not been gutsy enough
    So now you inspire me .
    Thank you much…

  100. This is so not right! Thanks!!!

  101. These beignets look absolutely extraordinary and so decadent. And I just love the bourbon butterscotch along with it. Wonderful recipe

  102. This endeavor looks like a wonderful way to spend a winter’s afternoon.

  103. oh. my. goodness- those looks amazing! please send some, asap 🙂

  104. Reblogged this on Lady Still and commented:
    Just one week after returning from New Orleans, I am still experiencing withdrawals from the amazing food.. Check out the following recipe, all I can think is YUM!

  105. amazing. I am going to be haunted by these until I make them…
    Thanks for sharing.

  106. Sunday ‘s dessert when a child in Italy and in France ?.. Beignets! Thank you for the recipe I will desperately try to make it..

  107. Congrats on making freshly pressed. These are right up there with white chocolate mint macaroons.

  108. Oh my! This looks AH-MAZING!!!

  109. The bourboned butterscotch looks so yummy and creamy. Ah !! I would love me some beignets please. They look a lot like an Indian sweet called Shankarpali.

  110. Reblogged this on Matt Thomas and commented:
    A combination of two of the American South’s finest inventions. Sign me up.

  111. Wow. This looks great for an indulgence day!!!

  112. I too bought a box of Beignet mix from Café du Monde! Looking forward to trying this out!

  113. They look incredible! Never seen then before, but now I’m desperate to try them 🙂

  114. Probably the best recipe of the beignets that I have seen. Yummy. Thanks:)

  115. These look delicious! (Great pictures, too!)

  116. Reblogged this on griotfiles and commented:
    how great does this look. A true testament to the power of brilliant photography!

  117. Notice the aprons? That picture had to have been taken on a Sunday after church. The red and white dotted sailor dress was one of my favorites.

  118. Angie De Angelis Avatar
    Angie De Angelis

    It just took everything in me to not lick the screen. Good Lord what a tease to only have a PICTURE of those beignets. I want a mountain of them, dammit!

  119. The Cafe du Monde mix is good (just add water) and absolutely love Cafe Du Monde right off Jackson’s squre, but if you want to make the real deal for much cheaper than the mix, here you go. By the way, this batch makes about 2-5 dozen depending on how you cut them (2-3 dozen of the large 3 in x 3 in, 3-5 dozen if you go 1.5 in x 1.5 in)

    Beignets from scratch:

    1 pkg active dry yeast
    1 1/2 cup warm water (110-115 degrees F)
    1 1/2 cup sugar
    1 tsp. salt
    2 large eggs
    1 cup evaporated milk
    7 cup flour
    1/4 cup vegetable shortening

    oil for deep frying
    powdered sugar for dusting
    Suggested: dough hook stand mixer

    Put warm water in a large bowl; sprinkle in the yeast and a couple teaspoons of sugar. Stir until dissolved. Let proof for 10 minutes. Add the rest of the sugar, salt, eggs, and evaporated milk. Gradually stir in 4 cups of the flour. Beat with a wooden spoon or with a dough hook on a mixer (Kitchenaid stand mixer is the best!!) until smooth and blended. Beat in the shortening. Add remaining 3 cups of flour about 0.5 cups at a time. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight, or let rise in a 100 degree F oven for 1 hour.

    — if you put it in the fridge you need to let this come to room temperature before cutting and frying otherwise your beignets will be FLAT —

    Roll the dough out on a floured surface to a thickness of 1/8 inch. The dough is wet and sticky, use plenty of flour to roll it out. For New Orleans style and size, cut into 3 in. x 3 in. squares with a sharp knife or a pizza dough cutter. (without a sharp cut, the steam will escape and the beignet will not puff). Heat the oil (about 2-3 inches deep in your pot) in a deep fryer to 370-380 degrees F. (Watch your temp all the way through the whole batch otherwise the first ones will be undone and the last will be burnt!). Fry the beignets 3 or 4 at a time until they are puffed and golden brown on both sides. (For consistency, drop them in and immediately flip them so that the oil equally seals both sides, otherwise one side might pop). Turn them over with tongs once or twice while frying. Drain each batch on a paper towel covered dish or cookie rack on cookie sheet. Place on a platter and sprinkle with powdered sugar (you can also put the sugar in a tupperware container with powdered sugar, put several beignets in, seal it with a lid, and shake) You may keep them warm in a 200 degree oven until you are done frying all the beignets.

    Bon Appetit!

    1. merci beaucoup!

  120. Gah…Sugar filled coma of happiness.

  121. Great blog, I loved reading it! Congrats on making Freshly Pressed, you deserved it! Keep Blogging!

    😀 😉

    PS: Visit to view my awesome blog too!!

  122. Emma @ Sweet Mabel Avatar
    Emma @ Sweet Mabel

    These sound very comforting, I’d love to try them x


    butterscotch butterscotch butterscotch butterscotch

  124. Beignets are featured in our Southern Sweets Showdown, but not quite like this. We’ll have to share this with our readers.

  125. Reblogged this on Real Southern Men and commented:
    Beignets have shown up recently in the Southern Sweets Showdown and are a quintessentially Southern dish, but you’ve never seen them quite like this. With the addition of Bourbon to the mix, it becomes even more Southerner … as if that were possible … or a real word. Now if we can just figure out how to add bacon…

  126. Wow, looks amazing! I have beignets on my cooking bucket list for 2012. I’ll have to use this recipe!!

  127. Ooooo YUM! Love butterscotch! ^.^~

  128. Thank-you so much for introducing us to the world of beignets. Is it terrible to be craving these for breakfast? 🙂

  129. You got my attention (and respect) by actually having the Cafe’ du Monde mix.
    You won my heart and stomach by adding liquor.

    New Orleans foodies welcome you as an honorary member in good standing.

  130. These look absolutely delicious!!

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